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New listed coins
6671 productos
Mostrando 2161 - 2208 de 6671 productos
New listed coins, coin sets and other collections related with coins.
Mostrando 2161 - 2208 de 6671 productos

Sweden | Swedish 10 Ore Coin | Oscar II | KM755 | 1880 - 1904
Precio de venta£19.00

Sweden | Swedish 25 Ore Coin | King Oscar II | KM738 | 1874 - 1878
Precio de venta£21.00

Sweden | Swedish 50 Ore Coin | Oscar II | KM740 | 1875 - 1899
Precio de venta£29.00
Ahorrar 50%

Austria 5 Schilling Coin | KM2879 | 1952 - 1957
Precio de venta£6.00
Precio habitual£12.00
Ahorrar 50%

Austria 5 Groschen Coin | Cross Potent | KM2846 | 1931 - 1938
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00

United Kingdom | British 1 Florin Coin | Queen Victoria | KM762 | 1887 - 1892
Precio de venta£21.00
Ahorrar 43%

Australia | 1 Penny Coin | Elizabeth II | Kangaroo | KM56 | 1955 - 1964
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 50%

Australia | 1/2 Penny Coin | George VI | Kangaroo | KM41 | 1939 - 1948
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00
Ahorrar 43%

Australia | 1 Dollar Coin | Elizabeth II | Volunteers | KM682 | 2001
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00

Australia | 6 Pence Coin | Elizabeth II | KM58 | 1955 - 1963
Precio de venta£21.00
Ahorrar 43%

Cyprus | 20 Cents Coin | Zeno of Citium | KM62.1 | 1989 - 1990
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

German Democratic Republic 50 Pfennig Coin | DDR | Oak Leave | KM12.2 | 1968 - 1990
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

German Democratic Republic 50 Pfennig Coin | DDR | Oak Leave | KM12.1 | 1958
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Germany 2 Deutsche Mark Coin | Grape | Rain | Eagle | KM111 | 1951
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Germany 1 Pfennig Coin | Oak Sprig | KMA101 | 1948 - 1949
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Germany 5 Pfennig Coin | German States Bank | Oak Seedling | KM102 | 1949
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Germany 5 Deutsche Mark Coin | Eagle | KM140.1 | 1975 - 2001
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Germany 50 Pfennig Coin | Oak Planting | KM104 | 1949 - 1950
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 50%

Singapore | 1 Dollar Coin | Ribbon downwards | KM103 | 1992 - 2013 | Aluminium-bronze
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00
Ahorrar 43%

Singapore | 50 Cents Coin | Ribbon downwards | KM102 | 1992 - 2013 | Copper-nickel
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Singapore | 20 Cents Coin| Ribbon downwards | KM101 | 1992 - 2013 | Copper-nickel
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Singapore | 1 Dollar Coin | Ribbon upwards | KM54b | 1987 - 1991 | Aluminium-bronze
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Singapore | 1 Cent Coin | non-magnetic | KM1 | 1967 - 1984 | Bronze
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Argentina 2 Pesos Coin | Oil Tower | Punching Machine | 2007
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Argentina | 20 Centavos Coin | Oudine | Phrygian cap | 1970 - 1976
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Argentina 1 Peso Coin | Glaciar Perito Moreno | Ice Arch | Sun | 2010
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Argentina 1 Peso Coin | May Revolution | Cabildo | Sunrise | 1960
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Argentina 1 Peso Coin | Mar del Plata | Sun | 2010
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Argentina 1 Peso Coin | Pucara de Tilcara | Mountains | Sun | 2010
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Argentina 1 Peso Coin | Aconcagua | Mountains | Sun | 2010
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Argentina 1 Peso Coin | Grain Sprig | 1974 - 1976
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Serbia 1 Dinar Coin | National Bank | KM34 | 2003 - 2005
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 44%

Serbia | 20 Dinara Coin | Mihajlo Pupin | KM62 | 2012
Precio de venta£5.00
Precio habitual£9.00
Ahorrar 43%

Serbia 2 Dinara Coin | Gracanica Monastery | KM46 | 2006 - 2010
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Serbia | 20 Dinara Coin | Saint Sava Temple | Vracar | KM38 | 2003
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Serbia 5 Dinara Coin | Krusedol Monastery | KM56a | 2013 - 2020
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Serbia 2 Dinara Coin | Gracanica Monastery | KM55 | 2011 - 2020
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Serbia 1 Dinar Coin | National Bank | KM54 | 2011 - 2020
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 50%

Hong Kong | 5 Dollars Coin | Elizabeth II | Km:39 | 1976 - 1979
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00
Hong Kong 10 Cents Coin | George V | KM19 | 1935 - 1936
Precio de venta£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Hong Kong | 5 Dollars Coin | Orchid flower | Km:65 | 1993 - 2019
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 50%

Hong Kong | 10 Dollars Coin | Orchid flower | Km:70 | 1993 - 1996
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00
Ahorrar 50%
Hong Kong 1 Cent Coin | George V small type | KM17 | 1931 - 1934
Precio de venta£5.00
Precio habitual£10.00
Ahorrar 43%

Hong Kong 1 Dollar Coin | Special Administration Region | KM75 | 1997
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 50%

Hong Kong | 5 Dollars Coin | Elizabeth II | Km:46 | 1980 - 1984
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00
Ahorrar 43%

Hong Kong | 1 Dollar Coin | Elizabeth II | Km:35 | 1971 - 1975
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Hong Kong 5 Cents Coin | Edward VII | KM12 | 1903 - 1905
Precio de venta£14.00
Ahorrar 50%

Hong Kong | 2 Dollars Coin | Elizabeth II | Km:60 | 1985 - 1992
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00
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