Menú principal
- Argelia (36)
- Botsuana (26)
- Egipto (140)
- Etiopía (7)
- Ghana (34)
- Kenia (52)
- Libia (5)
- Mauricio (23)
- Malaui (27)
- Marruecos (39)
- Namibia (8)
- Nigeria (23)
- Tanzania (17)
- Túnez (29)
- Sierra Leona (4)
- Seychelles (36)
- Sudáfrica (237)
- Suazilandia/Esuatini (22)
- Uganda (34)
- Zambia (24)
- Zimbabue (2)
- Estados de África Occidental (8)
- Afganistán (12)
- Armenia (9)
- Azerbaiyán (7)
- Baréin (29)
- Ceilán británico (0)
- Porcelana (24)
- Chipre (44)
- Georgia (11)
- Hong Kong (57)
- Iran (26)
- Iraq (12)
- Israel (59)
- India (252)
- Indonesia (44)
- Japón (14)
- Kazajstán (23)
- Kuwait (20)
- Líbano (18)
- Macau (6)
- Malasia (26)
- Maldivas (20)
- Malaya y Borneo Británico (1)
- Nepal (65)
- North Korea (16)
- Oman (137)
- Pakistan (34)
- Filipinas (84)
- Arabia Saudita (37)
- Singapur (35)
- Corea del Sur (19)
- Sri Lanka (80)
- Siria (2)
- Taiwan (25)
- Tailandia (110)
- Emiratos Árabes Unidos (26)
- Vietnam (11)
- Katar (8)
- Albania (27)
- Austria (49)
- Bielorrusia (4)
- Bélgica (98)
- Bulgaria (83)
- Bosnia y Herzegovina (2)
- Croacia (26)
- República Checa (10)
- Checoslovaquia (64)
- Estonia (13)
- Dinamarca (103)
- Francia (153)
- Finlandia (58)
- Alemania (283)
- Alemania occidental (13)
- Alemania del Este (23)
- Reich alemán (31)
- Alemania nazi (16)
- Grecia (83)
- Guernesey (45)
- Hungría (87)
- Islandia (48)
- Irlanda (29)
- Italia (86)
- Jersey (55)
- Reino de Prusia (1)
- Polonia (152)
- letonia (23)
- Lituania (21)
- luxemburgo (32)
- Malta (26)
- Moldova (4)
- Países Bajos (72)
- North Macedonia (10)
- Noruega (64)
- Portugal (52)
- Federación Rusa (9)
- Imperio ruso (4)
- Rumania (85)
- Serbia (12)
- Suecia (97)
- España (140)
- Eslovenia (15)
- Eslovaquia (8)
- Unión Soviética (63)
- Suiza (40)
- Pavo (103)
- Reino Unido (271)
- Ucrania (29)
- Yugoslavia (91)
- Aruba (10)
- Bahamas (18)
- Barbados (19)
- Belice (8)
- islas Bermudas (25)
- Islas Caimán (20)
- Canada (137)
- Cuba (57)
- Costa Rica (67)
- República Dominicana (31)
- Estados del Caribe Oriental (28)
- Guatemala (3)
- Honduras (10)
- Jamaica (35)
- Mexico (79)
- Antillas holandesas (22)
- Nicaragua (27)
- Panama (29)
- Trinidad y Tobago (20)
- Estados Unidos (212)
- Billetes (145)
- Suministros de moneda (18)
- Muro de Berlín (1)
- Postage stamps (21)
1782 productos
Mostrando 241 - 288 de 1782 productos
The collection of modern coins often features a rich variety of symbols, each with deep historical, cultural, and allegorical significance. Here’s a look at some common symbols you might find on these coins and their meanings:
- Allegory: Coins often depict allegorical figures representing abstract concepts such as liberty, justice, or victory. These figures are personifications, like Lady Liberty or Lady Justice, symbolizing ideals and virtues.
- Caduceus: This symbol of two serpents entwined around a staff, often topped with wings, is associated with Hermes in Greek mythology. It represents commerce, negotiation, and balance.
- Christogram: A monogram or combination of letters that forms an abbreviation for the name of Jesus Christ, often represented by the Chi-Rho (☧). It symbolizes Christianity and the faith.
Coat of Arms:
- Coat of Arms: Heraldic symbols representing a family, country, or institution. They often include shields, crests, and mottoes, symbolizing heritage, identity, and authority.
- Cornucopia: Also known as the horn of plenty, it is a symbol of abundance and nourishment, often depicted overflowing with fruits and flowers.
- Cross: A principal symbol of Christianity, representing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and symbolizing faith, salvation, and sacrifice.
Double-headed Eagle:
- Double-headed Eagle: A symbol of power and dominion, often used in heraldry to represent empires and powerful nations, symbolizing control over both the East and West.
- Fasces: A bundle of rods with an axe, symbolizing authority and power, originating from Ancient Rome. It represents collective strength and governance.
- Fleur-de-lis: A stylized lily that is a symbol of purity and royalty. It is frequently used in French heraldry and represents elegance and light.
Globus Cruciger:
- Globus Cruciger: An orb topped with a cross, symbolizing Christ’s dominion over the world. It is a Christian symbol of authority and power.
Hammer and Sickle:
- Hammer and Sickle: A symbol of communism and socialism, representing the unity of workers and peasants.
- Heart: Universally recognized as a symbol of love, compassion, and affection.
- Hexagram: A six-pointed star, often associated with the Star of David in Judaism, symbolizing divine protection and unity.
- Monogram: A motif made by overlapping or combining two or more letters, often the initials of a person or an institution, symbolizing identity and ownership.
- Moon: Often depicted as a crescent, it symbolizes various things including femininity, cycles, and time.
Phrygian Cap:
- Phrygian Cap: Also known as the liberty cap, it is a symbol of freedom and the pursuit of liberty, often associated with revolutionary movements.
- Sun: A symbol of life, power, and energy, representing illumination and growth.
- Triskelion: A motif consisting of three interlocked spirals, symbolizing progress, cycles, and the concept of triplicity in unity.
Trophy of Arms:
- Trophy of Arms: A collection of weapons and armor, symbolizing military victory and honor.
- Wreath: A circular garland, often of laurel, olive, or oak, symbolizing victory, honor, and eternity.
Mostrando 241 - 288 de 1782 productos
Ahorrar 43%

Moneda de la Polinesia Francesa Polinesia Francesa 100 Francos | mariana | gorro frigio | Palmera | Barco Nativo | KM14a | 2006 - 2019
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00

Set 6 Monedas Jamaica 10 25 Centavos 1 5 10 20 Dolares 1994 - 2008
Precio de venta£8.00
Ahorrar 43%

Fiji | 50 Cents Coin | Iliesa Delana | KM:515 | 2013
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 50%

Czechoslovakia | 50 Haleru Coin | Linden Branch | KM21 | 1947 - 1950
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00
Ahorrar 50%

South Africa 1/4 Penny Coin | Elizabeth II 1st portrait | KM44 | 1953 - 1960
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00
Ahorrar 44%

South Africa 1 Penny Coin | Elizabeth II 1st portrait | KM46 | 1953 - 1960
Precio de venta£5.00
Precio habitual£9.00

South Africa 6 Pence Coin | Elizabeth II 1st portrait | KM48 | 1953 - 1960
Precio de venta£19.00

South Africa 3 Pence Coin | Elizabeth II 1st portrait | KM47 | 1953 - 1960
Precio de venta£16.00
Ahorrar 43%

Jamaica Coin | 25 Cents Coin | Marcus Garvey | KM147 | 1991 - 1994
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 50%

Kenia 5 chelines | Escudo | Hacha | León | Pájaro | Moneda de lanza | KM23 | 1985
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00
Ahorrar 50%

Cape Verde | 20 Escudos Coin | Carqueja Flowers | KM33 | 1994
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00
Ahorrar 25%

10 Pounds Coin | Ruins of Palmyra | Km:124 | 1996
Precio de venta£6.00
Precio habitual£8.00
Ahorrar 30%

25 Pounds Coin | Central Bank | Km:126 | 1996
Precio de venta£7.00
Precio habitual£10.00

Set 5 Monedas Siria 1 2 5 10 25 Lira/Libra 1994 - 1996
Precio de venta£23.00
Ahorrar 50%

Botswana 10 Thebe Coin | Gemsbok | KM27 | 1998 - 2008
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00
Ahorrar 50%

10 Pounds Coin | City of Palmyra | Km:130 | 2003
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00

Set 7 Monedas India 5 10 20 25 50 Paise 1 2 Rupias 1982 - 1994 Dinero Indio
Precio de venta£11.00

Set 3 Monedas India 2 5 10 Rupias Último Dinero Indio 2019 - 2020 Dinero Indio
Precio de venta£8.00

Set 4 Monedas Hong Kong 5 10 50 Centavos 1 Dolar 1955 - 1970
Precio de venta£9.00

Set 5 Monedas Nigeria 1 10 25 50 Kobo 1 Naira 1991 - 1993
Precio de venta£10.00
Ahorrar 50%

Panama | 25 Centesimos Coin | Ruins of Old Panama | Km:135 | 2003
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00
Ahorrar 43%

250 | Coin | Grenadine | Km:1268 | 2004 - 2006
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Chile | 5 Pesos Coin | Bernardo O'Higgins | KM229 | 1990 - 1992
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

El Salvador Moneda Salvadoreña 2 Centavos | Presidente Francisco Morazán | KM147 | 1974
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

El Salvador Moneda Salvadoreña de 1 Centavo | Presidente Francisco Morazán | KM135.2 | 1976 - 1977
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Moneda de Malta Maltés 2 Centavos | sol | Barco Luzzu | KM79 | 1986
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 43%

Isla de Man Coin Man 5 Pence | Reina Isabel II | Pardela de Manx | kilómetros | 2017 - 2020
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 50%

Moneda Francesa 10 Céntimos | Lindauer | KM895 | Francia | 1941
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00
Ahorrar 43%

Moneda Francesa 10 Céntimos | KM889 | Francia | 1938 - 1939
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00

Set 5 Monedas Pakistan 1 Pie 1 Pice 1/2 1 2 Annas 1953 - 1959
Precio de venta£21.00

Serie Chile 5 Monedas 1 5 10 50 Centavos 1 Peso | KM 203 204 205 206 208 | 1975 - 1978
Precio de venta£12.00

Set de 3 Monedas Chile 1 5 10 Pesos | KM 179a 180 181 | 1954 - 1959
Precio de venta£9.00

Set 6 Monedas Checoslovaquia 1 3 5 10 25 Hellers 1 Corona 1953 - 1960
Precio de venta£16.00

Set 7 Monedas India 1 2 5 10 25 50 Paise 1 Rupias 1957 - 1964 Dinero Indio
Precio de venta£18.00

Set 3 Monedas Pakistan 1 5 10 Paisa 1961 - 1963
Precio de venta£14.00

Set 3 Monedas Vichy Francia 50 Céntimos 1 2 Francos Hacha Francesa WWII 1941 - 1944
Precio de venta£15.00
Ahorrar 43%

Argentina 1 Peso Coin | Coin Replica | National Sun | KM112.4 | 2013
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 50%

Unión Soviética | Moneda de 5 rublos de la URSS | Pedro el Grande | Jinete de Bronce | Hoz y martillo | Y217 | 1988
Precio de venta£9.00
Precio habitual£18.00
Ahorrar 43%

Moneda de Malta 10 céntimos malteses | sol | Barco Luzzu | Pescado Mahi Mahi | KM76 | 1986
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£7.00
Ahorrar 50%

Moneda Francesa 25 Céntimos | KM867a | Francia | 1917 - 1937
Precio de venta£4.00
Precio habitual£8.00

Set 6 Monedas Bulgaria 10 20 50 Stotinki 1 2 5 Leva 1992
Precio de venta£13.00
Filtros (0)