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152 productos
Mostrando 1 - 48 de 152 productos
Polish zloty (PLN) is the main currency of Poland. The zloty is divided into 100 smaller units called grosz, and it has been the official currency of Poland since 1990.
The word "zloty" comes from the Polish word "zloto," which means "gold," and it has been used as a currency name in Poland since the Middle Ages. However, the modern zloty was first introduced in 1924, and it replaced the previous currency called the marka. After World War II, the zloty underwent several changes, and in 1990, a new zloty was introduced, with a new design and a new exchange rate.
Polish coins come in denominations of 1 grosz, 2 grosze, 5 groszy, 10 groszy, 20 groszy, 50 groszy, 1 zloty, 2 zloty, and 5 zloty. The coins are made of different metals and alloys, and they feature various designs especially older currencies issued before 1990's.